Welcome back to the new school year. A special welcome to our new students and families who have joined us this year, it had been lovely meeting so many families at enrolment interviews, transition meetings and while greeting students and meeting and talking with parents each morning.
Welcome to the following new staff:
Mary Antonopoulos Grade 5/6B
Karen Dunkley Social Worker
We are also delighted to have Fiona Gray (Instructional Specialist K-6) and Will Innis (11/12 Class Teacher, MDT, Agriculture, Hands on Learning – Build) back on staff after they have both had some time away.
It has been exciting to welcome Mr Innis and Mrs Gray back and lovely to get to know Miss Antonopoulos during over the past two weeks. Working with our entire teaching team, preparing for the new school year has been inspiring and has set our school up for a successful year of teaching and learning. Our students and school community are fortunate to have such a talented, experienced and enthusiastic team of teachers at our school. To support families to get to know our staff better, keep your eye on future additions of our newsletter for individual staff profiles.
First days of the school year are always exciting and although there can be nervous moments for students and staff alike, the start to the 2025 school year has been positive and settled, with students being organised and prepared for learning with all their books and stationery ready and looking amazing in their uniforms. Thank you to all our families for their support with these things and well done to all the students for showing such a commitment to learning, with settled classrooms and outstanding attendance across the whole school.
As we did last year, we have started this year with a whole school focus on wellbeing, resilience and high expectations and through newsletter editions and our SMDS Facebook page we will provide regular updates. The Resilience Project wellbeing program, continues to inform this work, through the focus of gratitude, empathy, mindfulness and social/emotional learning. I encourage parents and families to explore the information we provide through newsletters and upcoming parent information and open classroom events and by continuing these conversations with your child at home.
We have such a beautiful environment at St Marys District School in which to work and learn and I would like to acknowledge the fantastic work of the team of EFAs (Education Facility Attendants) and our Administration staff who have ensured that our school is looking its best for the start of the year. Thank you also to our staff for the extra hours you have already put in ensuring timetables are ready, units and lessons are planned and classrooms and learning spaces are prepared. This work has really supported our student’s successful return to school and engagement in learning.
Class teachers will be sending home a welcome letter, providing you with information about the school year as well as contact details for any questions you may have. Please contact your child or young person’s class teacher or the school office at any time if you would like to talk about their learning of other matters, or you have a question or concern and I’d particularly encourage you to do this if you have a positive to share.
At this time of the year it is important to highlight a few things that will assist your child at school and assist us to ensure we are providing the best education and care whilst they are with us.
Students are currently making every day count, with most classes having 100% attendance on most days! Let’s work together to keep up this strong start and support all our children and young people to be at school and be learning more every day.
Good attendance habits can sometimes be hard to stick to. But creating a solid routine, from the start of Term 1, can set your child up for success for the year ahead.
If you’re looking for tips on how to create better attendance habits, visit the Anything can happen website
Please always talk to us if you’re having trouble getting your child to school. We’re here to help. To support parents and students, teachers and members of the school leadership team will be calling parents to check in around non-attendance and what we might be able to do to help students to be at school every day.
Drop off and Pick up
The school car parks are very congested places both in the morning and after school especially with spaces being limited. We have school buses entering and leaving the grounds both of a morning and afternoon and they need to be able to safely navigate in and out of the school. Families are reminded to use the turning circle to drop of children in the morning and if parking to drop off or collect, to use the school driveway or the carpark in front of the pool.
Do you want to drop your child off at the classroom?
A reminder that all access for parents and families to and from classrooms is through the yellow boom gate at the end of Block 1, or through the Administration foyer. Once you have parked in the school driveway or pool carpark, please enter the building area by walking up the main driveway toward the Administration office. If you are doing a quick drop off or pick up there is no requirement to sign in or out but if you are wanting to stay a little longer please enter through the Administration foyer and use the screens to sign in and out.
Healthy Habits
School logo branded hats are an important part of our school uniform and school culture. The St Marys District School Association generously provides either a cap or a bucket hat to every student. A reminder to all students and families that we encourage the wearing of hats (approved school cap or bucket hat only) in our playground at breaks and during outside HPE lessons to be sun smart. Primary children are expected to wear a school hat when in the playground in Terms 1 and 4 and will be asked to play in shady areas if they have left their school hat at home.
We have water hydration stations in the school for students to either drink hygienically from and/or fill up their drink bottles. Keeping hydrated in hot weather is very important.
Sleep is vital for healthy brain development and activity and at this time of the year, when school resumes, it is important to get a good night’s rest. Please support and encourage your child to turn off devices and retire at a reasonable hour as they start the new school year.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s education, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Carolyn Watson